The Seven Divisions of Puerto-Rican Vodou,or Sanse.
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Papa Legba-Saint Anthony |
Legba Division or Nation, is lead by the Loa Papa Legba
The Legbas are a division of crossroad spirits, both younger and older, who embody the elemental qualities of earth and fire. The Legba Division opens pathways, and portals to other worlds, and (perhaps sometimes more importantly) closes those gateways. The Legba Division is often called to block evil influences, help someone get back on a good path, and aid in the communication of all sorts.
The spirits of Legba Division like sweetened coffee, un-flavored cigars, coconut (meat, milk, and water), sugar cane, and spiced rum. The “younger” Legbas, who tend to be a little mischievous but quick to act (some might use the term Petro), enjoy toys, sweets, candies, and coins. The “older” Legbas, who tend towards more serious and cautious natures (some might use the term Rada), like walking sticks, or canes, and prefer paper bills over coins.
Offerings to the Legba Division are placed on the floor by an entrance (door), in the corner of where two walls meet, or at a crossroads. The colors of the Legba Division are White and Red, and the most favorable days are Monday and Wednesday.
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Ogun Balendjo-Saint Santiago |
Ogun Division or Nation is lead by the Loa Ogun Balendjo.
The spirits of the Ogun Nation embody the elemental qualities of earth, fire, and metal. Oguns are extremely hard-working, and fiercely dedicated spirits of former soldiers, warriors, policemen, metal workers, laborers, and general tough guys or gals. Ogun spirits act as ferocious guardians, having explosive tempers, they love nothing more than to defeat evil. Of all the Divisions or Nations, it is the Oguns who work non-stop for righteous causes.
Oguns love Gin, Aguardiente, and Rum. These spirits also like strong black unsweetened coffee with a shot of liquor added and spicy hot foods. They enjoy metal tools and weapons. Place their offerings on the ground near your altar, in heavily wooded areas, in a plaza, or on the side of the railroad track. The colors of the Ogun Nation are Red and Blue, and favorable days are Tuesday and Wednesday.
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Papa Ghede Limbo-Saint Expedite |
Ghede Division or Nation is lead by Papa Ghede Limbo Lakwa.
The Ghede embody the elemental qualities of earth and fire. Ghede Nation aids in all matters, and with resolving any problem. The Ghede open and close inroads into the realm of the dead, act as powerful spiritual bodyguards and can be potent healers, especially of the stomach, and intestines. The spirits of the Ghede Division are often mischievous, and are sexual, as well as humorous, in nature. However, if offended they can be exceedingly dangerous. Unless one is guided by a godfather or godmother, the Ghede Nation should be left alone. The Ghede Division has as many malevolent spirits as it does benevolent.
The Ghede like any kind of hard liquor, especially spicy liquor. They love black unsweetened coffee, and heavily peppered food, with both black pepper and hot red chili peppers. The Ghede prefer cigarettes over cigars. Place your Ghede offerings on the ground in front of your altar, at the entrance to a cemetery, or on the oldest tomb. The colors of the Ghede Division are White and Purple (also Yellow and Purple), and Saturday is their favored day.
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Candelo Cedifie-Saint Charles Borromeo |
Spirits of the Candelo Division are often former priests, or priestess of various African and native peoples religions, as well as Loa who have their origins in both Africa and the new world, including the Americas. The spirits of the Candelo Division embody fire and air. There are Ghede spirits within the Candelo Nation, but they are considered Candelos. The Candelos open roads, and pathways for the purposes of progression and opportunities. In addition, Candelos are powerful protectors and messengers of Papa Buen Dios. Hardworking and diligent, these spirits find solutions to all manner of dilemmas.
Candelos are formidable rootworkers and possess deep knowledge concerning magic and herbs. Consulted for all types of problems, these spirits are known for their quick action, healing, protection, cleansings, breaking of evil magic, and revisiting wrongdoings.
Candelos love rum, whiskey, and red wines, also coconut milk and coconut water. They eat hot chills, red apples, and bread. Candelo spirits love unflavored cigars and pipe tobacco. Offerings to the Candelo Nation go upon your altar and are covered with a red cloth. Their colors are Red, Black, and White, and their most favorable day is Thursday.
The Belcan Division is also known as the Rada, or Blanca or White Division. Along with Belie Belcan, other extremely elevated Loa such as Asaca Dipie, Danballah, and Gran Solier, occupy Belcan Nation. The spirits of the Belcan Division embody the elemental qualities of Air and Earth. These righteous spirits fight for justice, and peace. Belcan Nation is quick to act against evil spirits, negative entities of all types, and the nullification of black magic. Wise, ancient and benevolent in nature, the Belcan Division is made up of fierce, and fearless warrior spirits who maintain law and order in an often chaotic universe.
The spirits of Belcan Division can be petitioned for any cause, however legal matters, righting wrongs, punishing the wicked, protection from evil, exorcism, purification, and removal of curses is a definite strong suit of the Belcan Nation.
Spirits of the Belcan Division enjoy rum, and red wines, with cigars, cornmeal and green fruits. The Colors of Belcan Nation are Red and Green, and their most favorable days are Sunday and Tuesday.
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Matresas Erzulie-Our Lady of Sorrows |
Spirits of the Matresas Division embody the elemental qualities of earth and water. A beautiful and highly feminine Nation, the Matresas Division has within it some of the most powerful of Loa. These spirits consult and act in matters of the heart, and mind, governing over women, relationships, children, mothers, household, pregnancy, beauty, and abundance. Tender and sweet, never confuse the kindness of the Matresas Division for weakness. The spirits that make up this Nation are fearsome, and will readily cut, and cut deep. They are quick to punish abusers of women and children, and see to it that rapists, child molesters, and committers of domestic violence pay for their offenses, one way or another…
The Matresas Division loves champagne and beer. They enjoy sweet candies, chocolates (better in a heart shaped box), finger cakes, and tropical and citrus fruits. Spirits of the Matresas Division like gifts of mirrors, hairbrushes, combs, laced fans, cosmetics, jewelry, and perfumes. Their offerings go on top of the altar and served on nice plates and in nice glasses. The colors of the Matresas Nation are Pink and White, but also Gold and Orange. Their favorable days are Monday and Friday.
The Indio Division of Sweet Water, which is not to be confused with the Indio commission (but also a part of it) is home to such spirits as Tinyo Alawe, El Rei del Agua Dulce and the mighty Caciques and Cacicas like Anacona and Caonabo Yuisa. All baptisms in this lineage of Vodou are overseen by El Rei del Agua Dulce. The Indio Nation makes up 1/3rd of the Loa/Mysteries of our tradition and is greatly revered. The spirits of the Indio Division embody the elemental qualities of water and air. The Indio Nation is one of the proud and courageous warriors, healers, and leaders who will gladly stand against any force of evil. They are made up of the 7 divisions of the Indio commission of spirits who all together make up the Indio Division of Sweet Water. There is nothing this Nation cannot achieve and no enemy or obstacle these spirits cannot overcome.
Spirits of the Indio Division love beer and red wine. They eat cassava bread, cornmeal, yucca, taro root, and bread. Their colors are Blue and Green but also Red and Yellow. Favored days are Thursdays and Mondays.
Do you feel called to know more about, or work deeper with the seven divisions, or nations? If so, consider joining our temple.
-Papa Machete que gana todas las Batallas El Matador de Dragones
-Papa Machete que gana todas las Batallas El Matador de Dragones
The Machete leads the way and defends all who follow.
Kevin Wikse is Papa Machete que gana todas las Batallas, El Matador de Dragones. In addition to predicting the bio-weapon release and the Global pandemic of 2020 starting in 2015, he is a world-renown circus trained strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Psychic Investigator, researcher, author, and adventurer. He is the spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete, Who wins all Battles. Papa Machete welcomes ALL people of any race, gender, orientation, or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity, and are willing to stand for what is right, not just what is popular.
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