Candelo Cedife, Chief of the Candelo Division.
Candelo Cedifie Candelo Cedife is a powerful but humble loa . During his life, Candelo Cedife (a Congo slave), is said to have participated in the Haitian slave revolt and fought for liberation against the French. He was a priest of Vodou, and a Palero (a magician who knows the magical properties of sticks), in our lineage of Vodou we acknowledge Candelo Cedife as a worker of n'gangas (spirit vessels) also, but that is highly controversial among other lineages. Upon his death, he became a Ghede, and started attending Vodou ceremonies. Due to this Candelo Cedife is often served on the point of the dead, and has a special relationship with the Baron Del Cementerio. Candelo Cedife is known to be kind, but very stern. He loves fire, using it for all metaphysical and purification work. When he comes down in possession during ceremonies, the hosting temple will offer him three lit red candles. He often drips candle wax onto the body of the individual he is possessing and then ...