Commission of the Angels: Seven prayers for Seven Archangels.
Court of the Angels. The Court of the Angels is an essential addition to New World Voudo from the White John mysteries, especially Sanse and Puerto Rican Voudou. Angelic beings are a cornerstone in Western Occultism, most notably Christianity. However, Angels are detailed in Kabbalistic texts which pre-date Christianity. The Jews of the Bible borrowed Angels or Archons from the theurgic practices they encountered in Babylon. The word angel creates confusion. Angel is from the Greek word Angelos, meaning messenger. Angelos, or angel, was adopted by Christianity and then liberally applied to various Holy Church-approved supernatural beings by individuals who understood the terminology and those who did not. This is seen in Sanse and New World Voudo (Haitian, Dominican, and Puerto-Rican) by the term guardian angel , used frequently and often interchangeably with other classifications of spirits. We all have a guardian angel, an angelic...