Commission of the Slaves, freedom and triumph!

If one Court of Spirits fully embodies resiliency and overcoming insurmountable odds, it is the Commissions of Slaves. Few things make my blood boil like the institution of slavery. I am not just speaking of humanity's past affiliation, but more specifically, the modern continuation. 

Did you know human slavery and trafficking are alive and well? Did you know it is a TRILLION dollar industry? Did you know that right now, this very moment, more humans are being kept as slaves than in any known point in human history? So the real question is, what are you going to do about it? It is definitely something worth thinking about. 

The Court of the Salves is comprised of fierce fighters and stalwart guardians. They know better than almost anyone what fear, hopelessness, and unbearable anguish feel like. They lived it and do not want anyone else to suffer what they did. For this reason, the Commission of Slaves often works harder than most to resolve problems and bring about favorable results. 

I was mounted by a slave spirit some years ago. He taught my temple the mystery of the chain by saying, "what bound me yesterday is what I used to liberate myself today." A simple shift in perception to see the chains of oppressors as the weapons of liberation against tyrants. They provided you the tool. It is up to you how you use it. You make the tool work for them or against is your choice. The Court of the Slave spirits hope you work against evil, and I concur. 

Mediums need to be cautious and prepare themselves correctly for interaction with the Commission of Slaves. This Court of Spirits requires a person to do elevation work for both themselves and the Commission. For one, a great deal of sadness and despair surrounds the spirits of this Court. Extraordinarily vengeful (in almost all cases rightly so) and broken spirits exist on the edge of the Commission, just outside. These damaged spirits and collective unfettered rage can wreak havoc in the life of an unelevated medium. 

Three points of light, candles, are required for effective and productive mediumship. One for the Court. One for the medium. Finally, one for the door/road by which the medium and the spirit meet. The Door and Road mysteries are taught primarily through two of the Chief Loa. The Doos mysteries by Papa Legba and the Legba Division and that of the Road by Ogun Balendjo and the Ogun or Nago Division. 

Spirits of the Court of the Slaves are generally warm and affectionate. They make excellent spiritual healers, especially for those who have been traumatized, and tend to be very protective of specific individuals. Anyone causing that person trouble will likely find themselves plagued by frequent mishaps and calamities. Slave spirits often favor children and go out of their way to help them. This Commission is also skilled in getting someone out of unhealthy and or abusive relationships. 

In developing a relationship with the Court of the Slaves, the medium will notice, contrary to certain expectations, this Commission is not dominated by the spirits of any former racial incarnation. Black slaves, White slaves, Brown slaves, and Yellow slaves are all present. Neither is this Court of spirits necessarily anchored to any specific point in time. One of the primary concerns of this spiritual Curt is that the Commission keeps growing in number. This is not what they want, as this means people are currently dying as slaves in the modern world, something they want us to be aware of and attempt to curtail.

Serve the Commission of Slave spirit warm, dark coffee, with a little sugar. They enjoy a shot of rum and tobacco. Sugarcane and Coconut water are refreshing, cleansing, and sweetening. Purple and white candles are also welcomed.

Offer prayers to God and then speak the prayer to El Negro Felipe and El Negro Francisco. These are two well known and high ranking spirits within the Commission of the Slaves. They will hear your petitions and open the way for the other spirits. 


Negro Felipe and Negro Jose, you that were captured from your motherland of Africa and brought to the Americas against your will. By God sent and by the Virgin protected. In Africa, you where a king, a prince, and of noble blood. Striped of your honorable titles and given the title of Slave. But still you endured and became immortalized as ever wise and ever humble, and the very descended of those who persecuted you, today honor you as living saints of the celestial courts.

Oh, Negro Felipe and Negro Francisco, I ask that you make impotent those that wish to strip me of my freedom, and wish to conquer my mind, body, soul, and my freewill. Keep away from me all black magic, evil intentions, and ill will. All this, I ask with much faith and reverence of the eternal freedom bestowed upon you by the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen. Ayibobo.


-Papa Machete que gana todas las batallas El Matador de Dragones. 

The Machete leads the way and defends all who follow.

Kevin Wikse is Papa Machete que gana todas las Batallas, El Matador de Dragones. In addition to predicting the bio-weapon release and the Global pandemic of 2020 starting in 2015, he is a world-renown circus trained strongman, Occultist, Martial Artist, Psychic Investigator, researcher, author, and adventurer. He is the spiritual Father of the Temple of the Machete, Who wins all Battles. Papa Machete welcomes ALL people of any race, gender, orientation, or ability. His only conditions are that you love God, love humanity, and are willing to stand for what is right, not just what is popular.


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